Friday, May 26, 2017

Allusion docked at Port Harvey

MUSINGS: Every journey is a process of discovery.  As a reader, I've learned that the two nearly universal narrative structures of good literature are; "The hero (protagonist) takes a journey", the second is, "A stranger comes to town". Think of your favorite novel.  Does the hero go on a journey or does a stranger come to town?  Sometimes both happen, and occasionally the hero discovers the stranger within.  What gives each story tension is known as the "destabilizing event".
Thinking about that led me to wonder what I'll discover as I take the journey with my best friend.  In addition to the wonders of this magical northland, most likely all my weaknesses, strengths, likes and dislikes will be flayed open for all on this flotilla with me to notice!  As I share a cockpit with Tim, sometimes for ten hours a day through terror, awe, mistakes in judgment, courage in risk-taking and all-out honesty in review at the end of the day, I think about how crazy it really is to master such a technical, challenging and (sometimes scary) skill such as sailing, at the age of 61.  Good grief....  Maybe the destabilizing events will lessen, as this girl continues on with the journey.
Pictures will be coming again as soon as the wifi is stronger.
BTW, we are in Port Harvey, the entrance to the Broughton Islands.  It's gorgeous! Fresh caught shrimp and crab are for dinner.....oh also pizza, special ordered and cooked in a wood fired oven.
Our pizza order
Crabs caught from the dock, a few keepers amid the females

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